Friday 25 August 2017

Should I move my baby to a bed?

Should I move my baby to a bed yet?

I get these calls often.

I hear - "My baby won't sleep in his crib, he just cries and cries. He will only sleep with us. I think he hates his crib. Whenever I put him in his crib he will not lie down"

Let me assure you - 9.9 times out of 10 it is NOTHING to do with his or her crib. It is the habits he is used to.
I never recommend taking a child out of a cot/crib until at least the age of 2 UNLESS it is a safety issue. If they can partially climb out and keep hitting the deck then we need to look into this. Start by making sure the crib is at the lowest setting. Also, is it a positioning issue?
As in if you moved it could it stop your little ninja escaping?

I look at every last possible way to keep your little one in a crib. I even say don't worry about making the change unless they do start climbing out and it is a safety issue- If they are 3 and happily sleeping away then don't worry.

My reasoning - before this age it is hard because developmentally they want to explore, physically they may be only partially able and really mentally are they ready for the consequences.

The key here in this scenario no matter what age is to build and instil good sleeping habits - sleeping through the night unaided. Then it will not matter where they sleep because they know how to. A bed, a crib, a won't matter. They will not be climbing, crawling or running out of anywhere. They will know what bedtime means and how it goes.

I have even moved kids back into cribs successfully. If you are not sure what to do or how to do it, get in touch and I can help you - Trust me, I can!

Happy Sleeping from me to you...

Time To Sleep Consulting
Carly Wintle

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