Wednesday 15 March 2017

Transitioning naps - Going from three to two....How?

Transitioning From 3 Naps to 2

It doesn't have to be a night mare, it just needs to be managed right. It isn't as easy as flicking a switch. And don't be sad parents that one nap is now gone....they just need to transition to different lengths at different times!

·         Nap times needs to be adjusted by 30-45 minutes to bridge the gap in daytime hours.

·         If nap schedule was 8:30, 12:30 and 3:30, the new schedule needs to be 9:00/9:30 and 2:00/2:30

·         For some children, this instantly improves nap length or for some children it decreases nap length in the beginning due to over-tiredness.

·         If nap length decreases, a 3rd nap in the car or stroller can be used to take the edge off before bedtime.  This is meant to be just a short catnap of 15-20 min.

·         In order to make the transition, push the nap time back by 15 min for 3 days (eg. If nap was 8:30, go to 8:45 for 3 days).  Repeat the pattern every 3 days until the desired nap time is achieved.  This may be a time when you use the above-mentioned 3rd cat nap to get them through to bedtime.

·         You will likely notice your baby still appears tired at their usual naptime, so you will have to distract them to get them to the desired nap time. 

·         Moving bedtime earlier by 30 min for 2 weeks can help with the gap in time and prevent overtiredness.  Even though 6:00 may seem far too early for bed, it is only for 2 weeks to help get through this transition.

·         It takes the body 4-6 weeks to fully adjust to a significant change in sleep patterns so don’t expect your child to adjust immediately.  If it seems that naps are getting shorter or more difficult, please stick with your plan even though your baby may seem a little cranky.  Remember to use the 3rd catnap and/or an earlier bedtime to get through the transition.

If you want to discuss further or want some help to make the transition one smoothly - give me a shout!

Time To Sleep Consulting
Carly Wintle


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